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Cricket von Carlsbad

Cricket von Carlsbad is a delightful 4 month old coated German Shepherd. She is going to have a longer coat, but it is hard to tell now because she is just getting her adult coat. The tip of her tail and her chin are white, so she may have a touch of something else or just some patches of white fur. We think she might have a little Collie. She has so much spirit and enjoys life to the fullest. Cricket is a character and always seems to enjoy something from an old orange she found in the garden to a discarded stuffed animal. She will definitely put a smile on your face. Cricket is a confident puppy and already has a deep bark. She loves long walks with the two other dogs in the foster family. She loves being around other big dogs and loves to curl up next to them. Cricket is loving with people and loves attention.  Her favorite thing after a long day of play, is to curl up with her head against you on the couching watching T.V. She always waits to be invited up on the couch otherwise she is never on furniture. Cricket has met babies and does fine. She met a large neighborhood cat and didn't give him a second look.  Cricket loves water, a few times she has fallen in the pool but doesn’t seem to mind. If you remind her where the stairs are she is out in a minute, happy as can be.  Cricket needs another dog preferable a male who loves to play!  Cricket is so delighful, she is Miss Sunshine, there is no way not to be happy in her presence, she reminds everyone how much there is to be happy about!


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